<aside> 👉 The Company is an equal employment opportunity employer and committed to providing a workplace free of all forms of discrimination, including vilification. It is an employee's right to be treated with dignity and respect and it is also the employee's responsibility to treat others the same way.
The Company is committed to meeting its legislative obligations relating to discrimination and will take all reasonable, practicable steps to provide and maintain a working environment free from behaviours and actions that may be discriminatory.
An internal grievance resolution process assists employees to raise issues of concern, and all complaints will be treated confidentially, seriously and sympathetically. No employee shall be penalised or disadvantaged as a result of raising any genuine concern or complaint.
This policy applies to all activities, and all those involved in those activities, including employees, contractors, customers and visitors, that take place on work premises and elsewhere where activities are undertaken in the course of employment, or at work- related activities, such as social functions.
Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another person as a result of that person's individual characteristics or because that person belongs to a particular group.
Discrimination on the basis of any the following characteristics is unlawful:
(a) race (including colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or ethno-religious origin);
(b) sex (including marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, or breastfeeding);
(c) sexuality (including sexual preference, transgender status or homosexuality);
(d) disability (including physical, psychiatric or intellectual disabilities, or a disability
you believe the person has, whether or not they have that disability);
(e) age;
(f) illness or injury;
(g) parental status or responsibilities as a carer;
(h) political beliefs and/or activity; or
(i) membership or non-membership of a union.
Discrimination can be either direct or indirect. No employee is to engage in discriminatory conduct in relation to their treatment of other employees, contractors, customers and visitors (including members of the public).
It is also unlawful to treat a person less favourably because they have a personal association with someone who has one or more of the above attributes.
It is unlawful and against the Company’s policy to do any public act which vilifies a person on the basis of their race, religious belief or affiliation, gender identity, transgender status, sexual preference or HIV/AIDS status. It is also against Company policy to do any private act which vilifies a person on the basis of any of these characteristics.