<aside> 💰 How salaries are decided, how they are reviewed and all the other questions you might have


How we determine salaries

As we know a persons salary takes into account many different factors, we consider all the following:

<aside> 🧐 Note: all of this is not an exact science and is determined together, so please: ask for help.


When can salaries go up

Every year the HR team will take a good look at all the salaries at Human and determine what roles go up for which people, again this takes into account a number of factors (see above).

We also review salaries outside of the standard yearly cycle, depending on individual success/project leadership, tenure or expertise changes.

Contract renewal is not a moment that automatically means it is time to talk about money. We are not a company of people who demand "give me X or I walk''.

People can bring up salary any moment they want and we take everybody seriously if they feel like their pay is too low (or too high) - see "How do we determine salaries"

Good reasons to raise salary change