<aside> 👉 The Company and management recognise that the health and safety of all workers and third parties is of vital importance and is key to a successful business.


We aim to continuously maintain and improve the work environment to ensure that it is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe for all workers and third parties and without risk to their health.

The Company will endeavour to continuously improve health and safety in the workplace through consultation, the adoption and improvement of safe work practices, as well as increasing the awareness of health and safety obligations for management and all other workers.

WHS obligations

The Company’s responsibilities

The Company aims to:

  1. (a) Provide and maintain a work environment (including equipment and systems of work) that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe for all employees and third parties and without risk to their health; and

  2. (b) provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers and other persons at work;

  3. (c) provide information, training, instruction and supervision as necessary to maintain

    a healthy and safe workplace;

  4. (d) monitor the workplace and the health and safety of workers to assist in preventing

    injury and illness;

  5. (e) communicate with senior management on a regular basis on any matters that

    concern the provision of a healthy and safe workplace; and

  6. (f) consult with workers on matters of work health and safety.

Managers, employees and other workers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of themselves and others at work.

Duties of management

Specifically, managers, supervisors and other similar position holders are also required to:

  1. keep updated on work health and safety matters;

  2. understand the practices and the processes used by the Company to comply with

    its work health and safety duties;

  3. ensure that the appropriate resources and processes are available to eliminate or

    mitigate any risks to health and safety of workers and third parties;

  4. maintain adequate mechanisms for receiving, considering and acting on any

    information received regarding workplace incidents or hazards;

  5. monitor workplace conditions and identify issues that need to be actioned to

    maintain a healthy and safe workplace, including any matters raised by other

    workers; and